RCKMS Off-Schedule Content Release on October 6, 2023

Greetings RCKMS users:

Ahead of the anticipated respiratory disease season, the National eCR team is pleased to announce an off-schedule RCKMS content release with updates to the conditions listed below. The primary updates for these conditions are the addition of timeboxing rules, updates to reportable condition trigger codes (RCTC), and updates to SNOMED condition codes. In addition to updating the existing conditions, Reporting Specifications for two new conditions are now available in RCKMS, resulting in 210 conditions available within the RCKMS Authoring Tool. The conditions and version names in RCKMS are shown below:

  1. Influenza-Associated Mortality, v2.0 Release 20231006*
  2. Influenza-Associated Hospitalizations, v4.0 Release 20230614*
  3. Influenza-associated pediatric mortality,v5.0 Release 20231006
  4. Novel Influenza A Virus Infection,v7.0 Release 20231006
  5. Influenza-like Illness (ILI),v2.0 Release 20231006
  6. Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)-Associated Mortality,v5.0 Release 20231006 *
  7. Influenza [New], v1.0 Release 20231006
  8. Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) [New], v1.0 Release 20231006


  • Influenza-Associated Mortality received a SNOMED condition code change with this release. Additional information about authoring the new version of this condition (and retiring the previous version) can be found in the in-tool notification
  • Influenza-Associated Hospitalizations did not receive timeboxing updates since there are no clinical diagnosis/problem criteria in the current Reporting Specification. Version 4.0 Release 20230614 is the latest version of this RS
  • A demographic age criterion for “Patient age < 18 years” has been added to RSV-Associated Mortality

The RCKMS Off-Schedule Release materials are available at https://rckms.org/content-repository/ under “RCKMS Content Release Materials.”

  • Word documents containing the reporting specifications for conditions [RCKMS Reporting Specification Documents folder]
  • Information about Reportable Condition Trigger Codes (RCTC) for 210 conditions [Reportable Condition Trigger Codes (RCTC) folder]
  • The list of conditions and corresponding condition codes used in RCKMS [refer to RCKMS Condition Codes. 20231006.xslx]
    • Includes 2 new condition codes and an updated condition code for Influenza-Associated Mortality

Please note the information provided below:

  • There is considerable overlap with the criteria included for the new conditions and the existing Influenza and RSV-related specifications; however the new conditions are not specific to events like mortality or hospitalization.
  • If the new conditions are reportable by healthcare providers or electronic case reporting in your jurisdiction and you choose to author them, please take note of the criteria overlap that exists across the Influenza and RSV-related specifications. Due to overlapping criteria and depending on how you have authored these conditions, an eICR could be deemed reportable for >1 condition, and you may need to adjust rules accordingly.

Please ensure that authorized staff members from your jurisdiction are authoring conditions in RCKMS in accordance with your departmental policies and applicable jurisdictional laws and regulations. Jurisdictional RCKMS users are responsible for ensuring that your jurisdiction is authorized to collect identifiable data for any conditions “published to production” in RCKMS.

If you have additional questions about authoring or would like further assistance, please contact your jurisdiction’s Authoring Support Associate (ASA).