Content Release 11 available in RCKMS

Greetings RCKMS Users, 

On Thursday, April 4, 2024, 3 new conditions from the February 2024 Content Release (Content Release 11) were added to the RCKMS Authoring Tool (Invasive Cronobacter Infection Among Infants, Congenital cytomegalovirus (cCMV) infection and disease, and Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome). Additionally, new versions of 103 previously released conditions were made available for jurisdiction adoption. With this release, there are now 213 conditions (93 nationally notifiable and 120 non-notifiable conditions) currently available in the tool for authoring and jurisdiction use. Please visit the Content Repository to review reporting specification Word documents and guidance documents.  

Please see the in-tool release notifications in RCKMS for a summary of in-tool updates. A complete list of conditions available in RCKMS and Consolidated Release Notes* are available here. 

Important: To support the CDC emergency response for Measles cases and outbreaks, there will be an upcoming Emergent RCKMS content release on Friday, April 5 with updates to Measles reporting specifications. Additional information about the emergent release for Measles is forthcoming.  

* Note: Due to the projected emergent release for Measles, the Consolidated Release Notes include information about updates to Measles in addition to information about other conditions in Content Release 11. 


  • Authoring on the RCKMS production environment for the newly released conditions and new versions of previously released content is now available. 
  • To access the new conditions, click on the ‘Add Reporting Specification’ button on the Reporting Specification landing page in RCKMS to import the new Default. 
  • Jurisdictions may author, edit, and update the new and updated default reporting criteria.  
  • Need help with Authoring?  Not sure where to begin?  The RCKMS team can help! Submit your request through an  RCKMS Ticket, and we will reach out with additional information. 
  • If you have additional questions about authoring or would like further assistance, please contact your jurisdiction’s Authoring Support Associate (ASA). 

Content Feedback and Change Request: 

  • To request changes or additions to RCKMS reporting criteria, RCKMS value sets, or the RCTC to meet your jurisdiction’s reporting needs, please submit an  RCKMS Ticket. 
  • The deadline to submit any requests for changes/additions to RCKMS reporting criteria, RCKMS value sets, or RCTC to be considered for the next content release is Friday, May 17, 2024. 

Office Hours Schedule: 

  • The Spring 2024 Office Hours Schedule is provided below. Additional details and meeting information for each session are forthcoming: 
  • Tuesday, April 9 @3PM ET 
  • Thursday, April 25 @3PM ET 
  • Tuesday, May 7 @3PM ET 
  • Thursday, May 23 @3PM ET 
