New conditions are now available for authoring- July 2021

The 9 conditions announced in the CSTE RCKMS Content release announcement on June 9, 2021 (See announcement here) are now available in the RCKMS Tool.  With this release, there are now a total of 108 conditions (82 nationally notifiable conditions (NNCs) and 26 non-notifiable conditions) available for authoring for eCR.  Along with the 9 new conditions, the RCKMS team has made version updates to several other conditions in the Authoring Tool. Please see the in-tool release note notifications for a summary of the updates. We encourage all jurisdictions to review the details of the Content Release for any updates to previously released default criteria that may be of interest to your jurisdiction. 

Below are a few reminders that were shared in a previous email:

Chlamydia Trachomatis Infection and Acute Flaccid Myelitis (AFM):

  • Please see the previous announcement on how the new versions of Chlamydia Trachomatis Infection and Acute Flaccid Myelitis (AFM) may impact your jurisdiction.  If updates are needed to your jurisdiction-specific reporting rules, please plan to make any necessary updates.


  • Authoring on the RCKMS production environment for the newly released conditions and new versions of previously released default content is now available.  You will need to import each condition (or the new version of a condition) by selecting ‘Add Reporting Specification’ on the Reporting Specification landing page in RCKMS.   Jurisdictions may author, edit, and update the new and updated default reporting criteria.
  • Need help with Authoring?  Not sure where to begin?  The RCKMS team can help! Submit your request through an RCKMS Ticket and we will reach out with additional information.

Office Hours Schedule

  • The Office Hours schedule will be released later this summer.  Stay tuned for more information.

What are Office Hours? The Office Hours sessions are facilitated by the RCKMS Administrators. During these sessions, participants may learn about newly released conditions and those with version updates. The RCKMS team may also answer your questions, demonstrate tool features, review publishing steps, and provide any COVID-19 updates. Each session will be one-hour in length. Attendance is optional and you may attend any of the scheduled sessions.

Content Feedback and Change Request:

  • To request changes or additions to RCKMS reporting criteria, RCKMS value sets, or the RCTC to meet your jurisdiction’s reporting needs, please submit your request here-RCKMS Ticket.
  • The deadline to submit any requests for changes/additions to RCKMS reporting criteria, RCKMS value sets, or RCTC included in this release is Friday, October 15, 2021.

Join the RCKMS Community of Practice:  REGISTER TODAY!

Click here to register for access to the RCKMS Community of Practice (CoP).  The RCKMS CoP is a is  a central communication platform, supportive of peer-to-peer engagement with a dedicated space to exchange experiences related to RCKMS adoption, the Authoring Tool, and RCKMS content.

Please contact the RCKMS team if you have any questions or need assistance with authoring.  .

Happy Authoring!