Participation in CSTE RCKMS Authoring

CSTE is excited to continue work on the Reportable Conditions Knowledge Management System (RCKMS) through our cooperative agreement with CDC.  RCKMS is a decision support service that aids in electronic case reporting and acts as a knowledge repository of jurisdictional reporting requirements. RCKMS determines whether an event is reportable based off machine-processable rules that can be customized by jurisdictions through authoring.  

As a key activity of our funding year, the RCKMS team is inviting all ELC grantee jurisdictions to author their reporting rules in RCKMS for six conditions: gonorrhea, chlamydia, salmonellosis, pertussis, zika and hepatitis C. 

Over the past couple of years, CSTE and the RCKMS team have developed default rules for all nationally notifiable conditions based off CSTE position statements. RCKMS is pre-populated with those default rules, which can be further authored to better reflect local reporting requirements. The level of effort spent authoring will vary by jurisdiction and depends on your ability to accept the default or whether additional authoring is needed. Trainings on how to author will be provided to all jurisdictions. 

Please fill out this spreadsheet by December 7th to identify up to three authors who will be given credentials to access RCKMS. Ideal authors are familiar with jurisdictional reporting criteria, may have completed the CSTE State Reportable Conditions Assessment (SRCA) in the past, and have availability to author during February and March of 2019.  

To find out more, please attend the CSTE Surveillance Practice & Implementation Subcommittee (SPIS) call on 12/7 (invite attached) to meet the CSTE team and hear about high-level activities for this funding year.  Detailed activities and schedules will be presented at the RCKMS Phase V Kickoff the week of 12/17 (exact date TBD).  Please direct all inquiries to